Mike's Viquarium
Tips and Troubleshooting
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Mike's Special 10 Gallon Viquarium Project
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Do's and Don't's of building your own viquarium...

One thing you can do to give it a finished look is tape a strip of aquarium paper along the bottom to hide the spacers and pump.




I laid a 100 watt submersable heater in the bottom (there is about 20 gallons of water) and keep the water temperature at 76 degrees. This temperature will allow the addition of tropical fish!
If you have frogs you should consider a heat lamp. Without it they might decide to hibernate on you.



I used slate for my waterfall. If you are lucky you might find it in nature where you live. Otherwise you can find it in nature where it is held captive...at the local nursery!
I simply placed the stones until I had the look and desired flow. (Don't glue them)


More Tips...

1. Keep your hands clean and free of any lotions or perfumes. If you see an oil slick developing on the water surface it is usually caused by oil from your hands.

2. Don't over feed and vary the diet. My frogs enjoy crickets and sowbugs. You might call them peelbugs where you live. They like to hunt for their food at night so don't be concerned if they don't jump at every feeding.

3. I added feeder guppys when I discovered that my Floating Frogs liked to dine on my fish at night. I keep the guppys in a seperate tank and treat them for ick before adding them to my Viquarium. The guppys also last longer in the 76 degree water temperature.

4. When adding plants make certain that the soil under the plant is sterilized. I took nursery bedding plants and simply cut just below the plant line so I have about 1/2 inch of soil. I just placed them where ever they looked good and move them around to keep them growing straight.

5. Use water from the ponds area to water your plants.

6. To clean the land area, remove any visable waste material, dead crickets, etc. Them use a small cup and dip water from the pond and pour it over the entire land area. This will wash it below the surface to bio-degrade in the gravel.

7. Rinse the inside of the glass with pond water and carfully wipe it dry with a sterile cloth.

8. Add a tonic to your pond once a month as a preventative measure against ick and other fish diseases. It will cycle through your entire pond and waterfall area for a thorough application.
Note: Know how much water is in your tank. Here is the formula to figure it. Add all the dimensions...Length, width, and depth of the water. Don't forget to consider the water area hidden within the gravel under the land areas. Divide this figure by 231 and you will have the number of gallons. H+W+D/231= gallons

9. Listen to the folks at your local pet store. They can save you alot of money and dead critters. Besides, they usually are happy to share in your Viquarium experience.

Note: Do you have any additional tips I may have missed? Please let me know.


...have enough gravel
...let the water filter for a few days
...buy fish larger than the frogs
...make the whole thing more shallow.


...expect the frogs to know which fish are food
...add too many critters all at once
...have your pump tube too tall
...be in a hurry to finish it!

Watch for: Mike's Special 10 Gallon Viquarium Project