Time to layout the look that you want.Of course there is no right or wrong way to do this...if it is pleasant to your eye
then you have it!

I put the gravel in and started adding rocks and wood. After moving them around for a couple of hours I decided on this look.
I created a couple of pools and some dry areas. What you need will depend on what sort of critters you plan to add. I will
have toads and a couple of newts. I chose these because I will not be heating the water.

I added a small piece of Baby Tears ground cover on the left. There was a small alcove just waiting for it! Next I went out
on my yard to hunt for something special. Found it! A small fern to place behind the rock here. When it outgrows the tank
I will just find another small one.

Added a nice tropical plant in the corner behind another rock and a small sprig of something from the yard again. I had
to half bury the pieces of wood so they would not float they have somewhere to go right? Now I have the look I
wanted. Remember that your viquarium is a "living" environment and will change on its own. You can add or take
things out to your liking.

Here is a closer look of the small fern. I also just added the lighting. I chose a double bulb setup. Plant light left and
25 watt clear right. The plants like the light and the froggies will enjoy the warmth.

Here is one of the new residents...a firebelly newt. He likes it hanging around the baby tears plant.

This Eastern newt likes to stay in the water alot.

One of two fire-belly toads that I added.

Here is my finished 10 gallon viquarium. Just added a few more plants and some moss. The critters include two fire-belly
toads and two fire-belly newts. They are quite happy in their new home!

This is my cat Kimmie...she thinks that I built it especially for her! She had been sitting there for about an hour before
I took this photo.